South Albany, VT
This high performance retirement home features an air source heat pump, heat pump hot water heater, heat recovery ventilation, and an 8.04 kW solar photovoltaic array on the roof. A 12" thick double wall filled with cellulose provides great insulation values. An Efficiency Vermont Certified High-Performance Home.

South Albany, VT
This high performance home is completely fossil-fuel free, using an air source heat pump for heating and cooling and heat recovery ventilation to ensure the house is provided with warm fresh air year-round. A 6.7 kW photovoltaic grid-tied solar array is expected to produce enough electricity to offset all of the home’s energy use. Other energy efficient features include triple pane windows, thermal bridge free assemblies with dense-pack cellulose insulation to achieve a high level of air tightness in the home. An Efficiency Vermont Certified High-Performance Home.

design by Creaven Design-Build

design by Creaven Design-Build

design by Creaven Design-Build
Greensboro, VT
This high performance home designed by Creaven Design-Build is features air source heat pump, heat pump hot water heater, heat recovery ventilation, drain water heat recovery, Energy Star appliances and lighting. A 7.37kW solar photovoltaic array offsets the majority of their electricity use. A backup generator protects against potential power outages. An Efficiency Vermont Certified High-Performance Home.
Photography by Jen Cypress, Dwelling Photography

design by Gossens Bachman Architecture

design by Gossens Bachman Architecture

design by Gossens Bachman Architecture

design by Gossens Bachman Architecture
Wolcott, VT
This high-performance home designed by Gossens Bachman Architecture is heated by air source heat pumps and a backup woodstove. Fresh air is provided by heat recovery ventilation, and domestic hot water is provided by a heat pump hot water heater. The wall construction is 12" thick double wall filled with cellulose insulation. The 6.2kW solar photovoltaic array produces renewable electricity on-site. An Efficiency Vermont Certified High-Performance Home.
Photography by Jen Cypress, Dwelling Photography